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Unearth Creativity Navigation sample Experience - Art + Design Portfolio: photo of Janet Si-Ming Lee in NYC

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{ Project: Kamak International website }
  Kamak International (Hong Kong Study USA cultural exchange program) - website design, branding, and logo design  

My Role: Freelance Designer, Marketing Strategist, Creative Director
Client: Kamak International — Hong Kong Study USA cultural exchange program

Comments: Represented above is the homepage (featured upfront) and its corresponding subpage design that I created for Kamak International to market their new summer exchange program "Hong Kong Study USA." I created the website creative concept and designed their website, launching their website presence. You will note that I also created their logo that is intended to look like a Chinese character abstraction playing off of the two "k" letters of the program name "Kamak." I defined their brand identity, marketing strategy and print design materials to promote their new summer exchange program. I also provided creative direction on the copy.

You might notice that the design is comprised of a collage of photos of China and the students on the Hong Kong Study USA cultural exchangeprogram. The design's colors are vibrant to attract a young audience of students seeking a new adventure for the summer.

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