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Unearth Creativity Navigation sample Experience - Art + Design Portfolio: photo of Janet Si-Ming Lee in NYC

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{ Project: Amy Feldman website design }

My Role: Freelance Web Designer and Graphic Artist
Client: Amy Feldman, NYC journalist and writer

Comments: Represented above are the homepage (front) and subpage designs (news and portfolio samples) I created for a website promoting award-winnning New York City based journalist and writer Amy Feldman. The website is intended to showcase Amy’s news articles and other writing samples. This design has an urbane novela flavor to capture Amy Feldman’s fascination with international cultures and sophisticated world view in her writing. The use of imagery from New York city also as alludes to her client base. Photos were presented as slices of reality to suggest that Amy presents multiple well-informed perspectives to her analyses and news articles.

View Amy Feldman’s website LIVE
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