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Unearth Creativity Navigation sample Experience - Art + Design Portfolio: photo of Janet Si-Ming Lee in NYC

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{ Project: ASBEE website }
  ASBEE (American Shanghai Beijing Educational Experience) - website design  

My Role: Freelance Sole Designer and Publicity Director
Client: American Shanghai Beijing Educational Experience (ASBEE)

Comments: Represented above are two homepage designs I created for ASBEE to market their new summer exchange program. The client chose the turquoise blue design. I created the website creative concept and designed their website, launching their website presence. I defined their brand identity, marketing strategy and print design materials to promote their new summer exchange program.

In the turquoise blue design, you might notice that the design is comprised of a collage of photos of China and the students on the ASBEE program. The design's colors are vibrant to attract a young audience of students seeking a new adventure for the summer. The use of the bubbly looking orange circles is intended to capture a feeling of a magical experience bubbling from students time in Shanghai and Beijing. I integrated Chinese characters for journey into the collage to appear as if it were rugged road on which the students begin their adventure. There are also other Chinese words I used as buttons for both aesthetic purposes as well as to allude to the Chinese language that the students will be learning on an ASBEE cultural-exchange trip.

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