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Unearth Creativity Navigation sample Experience - Art + Design Portfolio: photo of Janet Si-Ming Lee in NYC

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{ Project: Emerson & Cuming website }
  Emerson & Cuming - website design  

My Role: Creative Lead and Designer
As the Creative Lead on this project, I collaborated closely with the client E&C and Extraprise's Creative and Technology teams in leading the user-exerience and information architecture development of this website project. I created the website graphics and designed the user-interface for the website.
Client: Emerson & Cuming

Project Objective: Design a site that would help strengthen E&C’s customer relationships, develop a strong consistent brand message and deliver its product and safety information more effectively to its clients and subsidiaries around the world. The site is designed for E&C's existing customer base as well as potential customers who are typically well educated, experienced, product engineers and scientists. E&C is a National Starch company based in the Boston area that manufactures chemicals, encapsulants, adhesives, underfills, etc. for the chemical, electronic and automotive industries.

Comments: Represented above are sample screens that I designed for the Emerson & Cuming website when I worked for my previous consulting company Extraprise. Recently, this website has been selected as Finalist in the Manufacturing category for the prestigious 2001 MIMC Award - ranked one of New England's best. The MIMC (Massachusetts Interactive Media Council) Awards is cited as being "The largest and most prestigious interactive awards competition in the country" in their efforts to "recognize the most innovative, effective and compelling achievements in the development and implementation of interactive technologies."

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