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Unearth Creativity Navigation sample Experience - Art + Design Portfolio: photo of Janet Si-Ming Lee in NYC

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{ Project: Root Markets flash banner ads }

My Role: Freelance Flash Designer & Illustrator, Ad Conceptualist, Copywriter
Client: Root Markets (a New York firm providing financial exchange for consumer leads)

Comments: Represented above is a flash animation (version 7.0+) features a young couple in Paris carefree and delightfully relishing their leisuretime, and also reveals another indvidual enjoying his leisuretime scuba diving in the tropics. The ad is intended to attract potential customers seeking mortgage refinancing quotes by reminding them of what they could do with their free time if they weren’t chained to their jobs trying to pay off their existing mortgage obligations. If you don't see the ad, please be sure to install flash 7.0or 8.0.

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