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Unearth Creativity Navigation sample Experience - Art + Design Portfolio: photo of Janet Si-Ming Lee in NYC

< Art + Design Portfolio >

{ Project: Sky Mirrors cd design}
  Sky Mirrors cd - illustration and graphic design  

My Role: sole Illustrator, graphic designer

Comments: Represented above is my music cd album cover design for a music thematic concept I called "Sky Mirrors", a reference to the Boston Charles River by the MIT area as being a mirror of the image of the sky shared with the view of the sky from the mountains. Lyrics from Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide" including "I climbed the mountain. Oh, Mirror in the sky, what is love?" is woven throughout the piece as well as text from my own poem "Sky Mirrors." Text from my poem is arranged like ripples of water reflecting the Boston city lights. This design combines my illustrations of mountainscapes with photos I've taken of the Boston Charles River area.

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