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Unearth Creativity Navigation sample Experience - Art + Design Portfolio: photo of Janet Si-Ming Lee in NYC

< Art + Design Portfolio >

{ Project: Six Red Marbles web design }

My Role: Freelance Lead Designer
Client: Six Red Marbles

Comments: Represented above are the concept screens from my website redesign project for Six Red Marbles (SRM), a multimedia educational software firm. I created design concepts that were preferred by SRM over 25 other designs created by 7 other designers, thereby enabling me to be selected as lead designer on their website redesign efforts. The grey circles in the upper-left design represent grayscale images of SRM’s project thumbnailes; when a website visitor mouses over a grayscale image, the thumbnail should become colored. The bottom screen features grayscale circlular photos of SRM senior management arranged in a circular path that should also change to full colors when one mouses over the image and the corresponding team member’s name and title should appear, The screen to the upper right features a grey box where a flash animation of SRM’s portfolio samples should materialize. By clicking on the folder tabs to its right, the website visitor can click to find specific project pages organized by subject, client, and grade-level of the target audience for a given project.

View more SRM webpage designs I created
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